Gallivanting on the North Fork

All of last week I was bummed thinking that the weather was going to be terrible for the weekend. It turns out my weather app lied and got the weather forecast for Saturday all wrong. Instead of being cloudy and rainy like it had predicted, it was sunny and lovely. Despite being VERY windy, the only clouds to be seen were some big white puffy ones. Since we had expected the weather to be bad, we didn’t plan anything. So, we decided last minute to hop in the car and gallivant along the North Fork to look for garage sales. Sadly, we didn’t find any… so I can only assume everyone else on Long Island has the same weather app as I do and expected bad weather also.

As we continued on our quest for garage sales, we stopped at several beaches along the North Shore on our way. The first stop was Cedar Beach in Mt. Sinai where it was particularly windy and my hair was not happy, but the sailboats, blue sky and white clouds made it tolerable. We continued on and stopped at Shoreham beach off of North Country road, which turned out to be really cute. We are both not really familiar with the Shoreham area and have never been to this beach before so it was fun to come across a new spot. The only thing that seemed odd about this place was the steep asphalt pathway leading down to the beach. I myself was not too crazy about that part which could have been due to the fact that I did not have the proper footwear on but regardless it doesn’t seem like it would be fun to lug all your beach gear down that long ramp in the summer heat. However, the beach at the end was very quiet and beautiful so I suppose it would be worth it. 

We kept heading east and took a drive through Cutchogue and also decided to stop in New Suffolk to walk around a bit. Our first time in New Suffolk was last year for their 4th of July parade that a family friend of ours was marching in and we really enjoyed the vibe it had. Ever since that day, whenever we are driving on the North Fork we make our way over there to get out of the car and take a walk. It’s a tiny little town that overlooks the Great Peconic Bay with a population of about 350 people and was actually the first submarine base in the United States, which is pretty cool.

Unfortunately, after our nice stroll around New Suffolk it started to get a little chilly and we decided it was time to head home but not without stopping at one of many little farms to snag some delicious apple cider. This time we stopped at Briermere Farm in Riverhead and got ourselves an apple tart and some crisp apple cider which was incredibly good and lasted about 2 minutes before it was gone. This place is super tiny on the inside but from what we saw, it has a lot to offer. They had pies, cookies, jams, apple tarts, cider, juices and lots of other yummy stuff. Aside from all the treats to eat, my favorite part was the buckets of freshly cut lilac lined up on the wooden table outside; they smelt AMAZING and looked so lovely. This place was the perfect little stop to make before our ride home and if you are ever in Riverhead you should check it out and trust me, make sure you do not leave without getting the apple cider.