Reminiscing about Autumn - Pennsylvania

Well… life has been a little difficult lately to say the least. Since we are all practicing social distancing and in quarantine, I thought to myself why not do some stuff that I always want to do but never actually have time to do? I decided to go through old photos of happier times (when we could actually go outside) and write up a few blog posts that I never got a chance to share. This seemed like the perfect way to not only reminisce about fun trips and get my mind off of the fact that we had to postpone our trip to Paris in April…UGH, but also to pass the time.

So, let’s get into it! … Rewind back to October when my boyfriend and I decided to switch it up from our usual Upstate NY or New Hampshire weekend get away and drive to Pennsylvania. We always like to get out in October to see the foliage and spend the weekend in nature. We rented a super cute chalet on Airbnb, visited Bushkill Falls, and took a drive through Harriman State Park on our way back home to New York. Autumn is my favorite time to take photos and the photos I took on this trip are some of my favorites to date, everything was just so damn pretty. 

The Airbnb we rented was nestled in the woods in a private community in Lackawaxen, PA and about 45-55 minutes from Bushkill Falls. It sounds far away but we really didn’t mind the drive because the scenery was so beautiful. The chalet was SUPER cute and a lot bigger than we were expecting. It was just the two of us but with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms you could easily fit 6 people or more there. It had a full kitchen, pretty deck that wrapped around to the back of the house were you could sit with a forest view, and my favorite part…a wood burning stove in the living room. There were some neighboring houses so we were not completely secluded but it was a super quiet area and we barely saw any other people the entire weekend which was fine by us. 

We’ve been wanting to visit Bushkill Falls for a while and I’m glad we decided to go in the Fall because it was absolutely gorgeous and we fell in love with it. This magical place is a series of waterfalls located in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. I had seen photos of it before but honestly the photos did not do any justice to how beautiful and how big it is! Luckily we took off of work and went on a weekday so the crowds were minimal but I imagine this place gets pretty busy on the weekend, so I would recommend going during the week if you can. There is an admission fee to get in for the day which I believe was around $16 each for adults but it is totally worth it.

There were so many beautifully constructed wooden pathways to help you meander around this place and get you up close and personal with nature. The way it was set up is similar to Franconia Notch Flume Gorge in New Hampshire with the wooden walkways right alongside the water, but this place seemed a lot bigger. Bushkill Falls is made up of several gorgeous privately owned waterfalls…8 to be exact, with the tallest one over 100 feet. You can view the waterfalls from the top and walk down stairs to see them from the bottom perspective and get the mist in your face, which I loved. There are a lot of stairs here and some of them are pretty steep so if thats not your thing this might not be the best place for you but we loved it so much and cannot wait to get back here to visit again. 

“Autumn... your presence speaks to my soul and I cannot wait for our next conversation.”